Harmony with Food Membership
Have you ever gone on a diet, lost weight, and felt great, only to find that a few months later you'd gone back to your old habits?
The Harmony with Food Membership, led by Meg O'Rourke, RD, is for anyone who has been there before and is looking to ditch dieting once and for all and learn how to make a healthy lifestyle work for them long-term.
Click below to apply to join, and Meg will be in touch to approve your application.
What You'll Learn:
Have a blueprint for living your life without artificial sweeteners, additives, food dyes, or fillers so you can achieve your best health ever.
Continued science-based research on chemicals and additives in our food, and advice from a Registered Dietitian, so that you can stop feeling confused about conflicting health recommendations.
Learn how to spot Fake Food News.
What You'll Get:
Private Facebook Group for community support and accountability.​​
Get seasonal recipes and shopping lists so that you can eat healthy without all the extra work.
Two 45-minute Zoom calls with Meg per month so you can learn how to maintain your healthy lifestyle and troubleshoot any problems that come up for you.
Harmony With Food Membership
Research says that 92% of people fail to meet their New Year's goals. I am here to ensure you are in the 8% who SUCCEED!!!!!!
Do not wait for Monday for your diet to start.
If you are seeking permission to invest in your growth, your vision and rebuild your mindset & to move forward intentionally-give it to yourself!!!!
Do this! So you can go from being powerless to being POWERFUL!
I believe eating should be enjoyable.
My job is to make eating healthy a "no brainer."
No counting, weighing, or buying processed crap. No BS starvation or shakes here. Do not be a victim of the 80 billion-dollar-a-year dieting industry.
You are powerful, not powerless.
I may be tough on you. That is my job. We will have "Hot Seats" where I will be putting you or other members of YDDO on the spot ( if you chose not to be put be in a "Hot Seat", I understand). After all, this is a judgment FREE zone. Just know, it is all done with
💗💗💗LOVE 💗💗💗
We will learn that food is not "good or bad."
Food is Food.
We will have emails, pdfs. Just in case you forgot, this will be a NO JUDGEMENT zone.
Simply put, no matter what you decide. REGARDLESS of whether you purchase or not. I want you to feel powerful, not powerless. Community coaching has been proven time and again to be beneficial.
The goal is not just to lose weight.
I am here to change the way you think about food. So that you can develop a harmonious relationship with food.
Join the Harmony with Food Membership!