Food Is Not Miraculous or Super, Food Is Food.
There Is No Such Thing As “Miracle Foods”.

Cancer is a disease that invokes fear, so it is not surprising that the public is eager to identify ways to decrease the risk. The media often features information on "Miracle Foods" and publicizes whether these foods can actually decrease the risk of cancer. Guess what? I am not the only one who thinks there are no miracle foods. The International Journal of Nutrition and Cancer agrees in this article: Reality Check: There is No Such Thing as a Miracle Food," published in Volume 65, Issue 2, 2013 of Nutrition and Cancer: Written by the University of Minnesota's Maki Inoue-Choi, Sarah Oppeneer, and Kim Robien that calls on both researchers as well as media sources to consider the validity of multiple studies as opposed to singular studies before assuming that media information is factual. Stating "Nutritional scientists and epidemiologists should be cognizant of the public health messages that are taken away from their individual studies and not sensationalize the findings or contribute to the media frenzy around a single study," The authors mention two separate studies that theorize a decreased risk of ovarian cancer due to flavonoids in red onions and omega-3 in sea bass. Both of these studies were reported as fact on a popular television talk show. The authors assert that with further research, three other studies would have been found that can disprove the findings reported as true. The authors also stated: "The public needs more information about the effect of diet as a whole on cancer risk, as well as the importance of achieving and maintaining an ideal body weight, regular physical activity and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle,"
Here is more of my take on “Miracle foods” or “ Super Foods”. Consume these foods with low expectations. I love when I see the cooking show with the Chefs pouring in the olive oil as if more was better. Clients often tell me or brag about how they heard on Dr. Oz that avocados are a superfood. However, those smiles quickly turn to frowns as I explain that one large avocado can have over 350 Calories (pure fat, yes, monounsaturated fat, but still fat). So, when you’re eating salsa with avocado as a snack or pouring olive oil into your favorite dish, use caution, as more is not always better.
I obviously believe that certain foods can help prevent certain diseases. You may believe or not believe in miracles, but I would not believe in one food as being a miracle. It takes much more than just one food to make a difference. It is how often we eat - how many processed foods we are consuming, how much saturated fats, omega fatty acids, sodium, fiber, etc we are eating overall. One food alone will never create a miracle.
I’m not saying that these foods are bad for you, but they must be consumed as any other food consciously, and in moderation. If only life was that simple. Remember, food is not good, bad, super, or miraculous. Food is food. You are not a “bad” person if you eat something you consider “bad.” Nor, does being a vegan make you a perfect person. Remember, a healthy diet consists of the macronutrients and micronutrients we need, including:
Protein -Fish, Chicken, Turkey, chicken, eggs, etc.
Complex Carbohydrates -Bread, Pasta, Rice, etc.
Healthy Fats- olive oil, avocado, omega fatty acids from fish and nuts, etc.
Simple Carbohydrates - fruits and vegetables
Take Good Care, XO Meg