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Chemicals in Our Foods

Today, we will be discussing. Lunchables and the chemicals found in lunchables and other foods. There are over 3, 000 food additives in our food supply in the United States, many of which have not been tested for safety. And the average American consumes three to five pounds of these chemicals annually.

Don't Be Deceived

Deception by the food industry, scientists. and the media designed to manipulate and ignore us. The unnecessary harm that is happening in our food supply is deplorable.  It makes you stop and consider what you put in your mouth, or if you don't, you should be.

We can empower each other. You can tell a friend about the show. Schedule a free call with me today.

It's a very tangled web of deception. And it's not just the food. The marketing behind the supplements is convincing people to go buy supplements. I was talking to somebody on a free call yesterday, as a matter of fact, and I said, even sometimes I'm driving and I like, that sounds really, really good.

Later, we're going to talk about why stevia is not a better choice for an artificial sweetener.

Today, we will be discussing. Lunchables and the chemicals found in lunchables and other foods. There are over 3, 000 food additives in our food supply in the United States, many of which have not been tested for safety. And the average American consumes three to five pounds of these chemicals annually.

Deception by the food industry, scientists. and the media designed to manipulate and ignore us. The unnecessary harm that is happening in our food supply is deplorable.  It makes you stop and consider what you put in your mouth, or if you don't, you should be.

Avoid the Web of Deception

So, it's a very tangled web of deception. And it's not just the food. The marketing behind the supplements is convincing people to go buy supplements. I was talking to somebody on a free call yesterday, as a matter of fact, and I said, even sometimes I'm driving and I like, that sounds really, really good.

And then I, you know, reel myself back in. And I think to myself, what is the average consumer? Like how convincing is this stuff? The sad part is it's not educating people as to why they need the supplements in the first time, in the first place.

Talking About Supplements

We’re going to talk about more about, the claims people are making, whether it’s a blog, Instagram, a radio show. And they sound so convincing. Everything sounds like I need it. They make all sorts of claims, especially online. You can make claims and say it does this, it does that. That's very rarely checked. I know a little too much in terms of unscrupulous supplement. marketers in the gaming system. On the Harmony with Food Show, I decided not to push any supplements. I don't know you. I don't know your height, your weight. I don't know your past medical history. I don't know what prescription medications you're on.

I don't know what food drug interactions you could have to prescription medications. I don't know what sensitivities you have. And so guess what? I don't know you and I'm not going to sit here and say, take this vitamin C or take this blah, blah, blah, to help improve this, this, or that. And you need it because this, this, or that.

I'm here to educate every week to get you to know more and learn more. Remember I was put on this earth to change the way you think about food. So today we are going to talk, as I mentioned about Stevia, why it's not a better choice for an artificial sweetener. We're going to talk a little bit about supplements, regardless of your experience level. The supplement landscape can easily become overwhelming. And I often say on the show, are you taking supplements nilly willy? I highly recommend that you don't do this on your own.

Harmful Substances in Food

We are going to talk about plastics and obesogens. We're talking about some food dyes being banned in California. again. The FDA decided to finally ban trans fats. So what are trans fats? Trans fats are when they go through a chemical process. So you take a liquid oil, put it through what they call hydrogenation, which are adding hydrogen to the oil. The U. S. FDA determined that partially hydrogenated oils, also known as trans fats, are not generally recognized as safe for use in any food. They then gave all the food companies about three years, a three-year deadline, for food companies to eliminate the artificial trans fats from the products, excluding naturally occurring trans fats in products like meat and cheese. do you know what GRAS is? It's a governmental agency under the FDA, and the acronym is GRAS, and it's generally recognized as safe. And they're allowing over 3, 000 food additives in our food supply, and it's frightening. They say food is medicine. But food can also be our enemy. One out of seven people have food sensitivities that they're not aware of. Our food can cause joint pain, and maybe weight loss resistance. How about being wired and tired? You know, sleeping while driving is not cool. If you've ever had that series where you can't sleep at night, And then the whole thing just kind of trickles down. You're not sleeping well, you're gaining weight. And then it just kind of snowballs from there.

Refined sugar can cause problems and can cause hyperactivity and other neurobehavioral disorders.  We are talking about chemicals, obesogens, you know, maybe you're having a hard time losing weight. So, it's weight loss resistance. You're exercising more, you're eating less, you're still not losing weight. And, you know, and now I have to tell you that's there's more to worry about all this plastic in our food, in the food that we buy, and actually, when you're drinking from plastic bottles that can contain what we call obesogens, PCAs?

So that's another issue that is going to be found and it can be found in foods like you know the pet and also on the pesticide sprays So I don't know about you, but I know lunch is coming up and I don't want to eat any weed killer for lunch today or dinner or elsewhere So if you're not waking up to all the things that are put in our food the good news is you can be your own health care advocate.

In addition, you can be your own food advocate. Don't fall for it. If you're thinking it's just, oh, I can't do all these different things. You can, you can.  I'm here every week to make it easier for you. So, we're not going to make it all complicated. I think I explained trans fats in a pretty easy fashion.

Book a call with Meg today and remember to test, not guess.

Episode Transcript


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