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Is HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) The Only Answer?

I was constantly having GI issues, and I was trying to figure this out myself. I was on supplements and other products, and I didn't even know which one was or was not working. I sought out functional nutrition help and resolved all my GI issues. And I stopped feeling fatigued. I stopped needing to call in sick to work, and I was no longer wired and tired. 

My new motto is test, don't guess. If you're hitting a brick wall with conventional medicine and you know it does not have to be this way, you shouldn't have to feel sick and tired of being sick and tired. This is where I come in. And today we're going to be discussing menopause, hormones, neurotransmitters.

Weight Gain Issues

Some of the things that I see in my office, for instance, I have women that often come in and say, I went to sleep, and I woke up the next day and I promise you, I feel like I've gained 20 pounds overnight. The phenomenon is not just limited to my patients. Um, women do gain about one and a half pounds per year during their thirties, forties, and fifties. A lot of that extra weight seems to land in the meds midsection, which we all know sets the stage for a lot of metabolic concerns, including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, maybe nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and more, all of which increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

The dirty little secret is the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism is. When you lose weight quickly on whatever program you decided to do this time, because you've tried them all, every single one of them remember the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism is.

So how do you get your muscle up? There's lots of different things that you need to do. You need to get in the right amount of macro nutrients. That's carbohydrate, protein, and fat. You need to stop watching Instagram and other social media that's telling you that you need a pound of one gram of protein for your ideal body weight, whatever that might be for you.

If you're taking tons of supplements, willy nilly and you know, you're paying a lot of money every month, it may be time to test, not guess.

Work with Meg

Right now, I’m offering a free 45-minute call for those interested in digging deeper into their health. After we discuss what issues you would like to address we can identify which testing is needed. Through the testing we can identify the root cause of the issue and then determine the appropriate supplements needed. Some of the issues we can address are weight loss resistance, aches and pains, GI issues, etc.

Click the link below to make a free call with me. 

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Today we're talking about menopause hormone replacement therapy.  and other types of nutraceuticals that may be beneficial for you when you're complaining of fatigue, being wired and tired, weight loss resistance, and just not feeling like yourself. Now, many times, many, many women have told me over the years that when they go to the doctor, they kind of feel like they're not believing them, or they tell them that maybe they should get on hormone replacement therapy.

Hormone replacement therapy has its risks and its benefits, and I do not prescribe or recommend hormone replacement therapy, but I do recommend nutraceuticals that can help. We're not going to put you on more than one supplement at a time, um, because there's, my rationale for that is if I put you on five things at once and you feel great, but then all of a sudden one day you wake up and you have hives. Now we must stop all five supplements.

In a way that’s different from the way I was trained in conventional medicine. I use a different set of tools that are based on treating the cause. If diet is the cause of heart disease, I use diet to cure heart disease. Not simply to prevent it, but to cure it or to reverse it. If diet is driving inflammation, I use diet to help reverse inflammation.

For example, if someone has an autoimmune disease to gluten that shows up in their body as joint pain, I remove the gluten. If someone has a toxin that's driving their immune system, or that's causing mitochondrial injury leading to brain dysfunction, I help their body remove the toxins through improving detoxification of the body.

I want you to think about making a free call. Click on the link below and schedule a call. If you're not ready to do that, get the free information that I offer on the microbiome, micronutrients, food sensitivities, and all the crap that's in our food in our free bread guide to determine exactly what foods you should be consuming or not consuming, whether it's the bread or the micronutrients, etc.

Schedule your call today to learn more about how to test not guess and be on the path to better health.

Episode Transcript

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Logan Poul
Aug 30, 2024

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