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What is IBS?

Today, we're going to be talking about GLP 1 and natural enhancers of that hormone. We're also going to talk a little bit about the fact that many doctors are not talking about food sensitivities. What is it, what they do, and what we can do about them. In addition to that, we're going to be looking at what is IBS and what can be done from it, for it from a nutritional standpoint or a functional nutrition standpoint.

So, while food is packed with nutrients and has the power to nourish and heal, it can have the opposite effect when it disagrees with our bodies. Food is medicine, but it also can be the cause of some of your issues, whether it's weight loss resistance, GI issue, joint pain, et cetera.

Even if you are on a healthy diet, you may be still consuming foods that you are sensitive to. One out of seven people do not realize that they have a food sensitivity. What’s the difference between an intolerance and a food allergy?

Before we had this microarray technology to determine exactly what food, drinks, and supplements you should or should not be consuming, you would try to figure this out on your own through elimination diets or the FODMAP diet. This meant you would eliminate the foods you thought you may be sensitive to for a few months, and then add them back into your diet and watch for symptoms.

The problem with that is most people don't know what foods are causing the problems. So, it could be something you ate this morning for breakfast or could be something you ate Thursday for lunch could be up to 72 to 96 hours ago. The pain you're having in your elbow was caused by the food that you had 96 hours ago.

This is where the testing comes in and we're able to determine exactly what food drinks and supplements you should or should not be consuming.  This is why it is so important to test, not guess. Schedule your call today so you can stop guessing.

Food Intolerances Vs. Food Allergies

Food intolerances like lactose intolerance are when you don't have the enzyme necessary to help break down the certain food. An example of that would be you don't produce enough of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products. Another enzyme would also break it down. Um, B, if you were looking at amylase, you didn't have enough of the enzyme amylase to break down certain carbohydrates. So, it can be very important to know some of these things instead of just guessing to determine exactly what food, drinks, and supplements you should or should not be consuming based on food sensitivities, food intolerances.

Now, with allergies, you could have an anaphylactic reaction. It's an IGE antibody, and that would be symptoms of itching. Unfortunately, you know, maybe, um, your ears might itch. You may get hives. Unfortunately, though, each year, several thought, you know, I don't know the exact statistics, but People do die from food allergies every single year

What is IBS?

If you've ever searched for answers for stomach pain, bloating, or other gastrointestinal issues, you'll know that they can be caused by a wide variety of conditions, making it hard to pinpoint exactly what's going on. But the good news is that many people can manage these GI symptoms by altering what they eat or even how they eat.

One common condition that causes GI distress is IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome. You've been scoped every which way you could be by the GI doctor, only to be given a diagnosis that's generic, such as IBS, and now you're like, now what?

The definition of irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS, is a gastrointestinal condition that is associated with symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, and stomach pain. There are four types of IBS, depending on which symptoms you are predominant in.  Although there is no cure for IBS, adjusting your diet can make a difference.

Understanding IBS

40 percent of the people in the United States have digestive issues. That means 4 out of 10 people and 15 percent of all people with digestive issues have IBS. Twenty percent of people have reflux or GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or acid reflux, at least once a month. Ten percent have acid reflux daily, and acid reflux can be a precursor to a precancerous condition called Barrett's esophagitis.

We know there is no singular known cause of IBS, but we also know they say fix the brain, fix the gut through gut brain interactions, periods of stress, there is an increase action in the parasympathetic nervous system.

And the state of your own gut microbiome is thought to be involved in the development of IBS. Maybe your GI tract needs an oil change. Now, we all know we give our cars oil changes for preventative care on a regular basis, maybe 3000 miles, maybe up to 5000 miles, depending on what your mechanic tells you.

What is FODMAP

Food and mood are directly associated, and I feel that food has everything to do with it. So, we say test not guess. Some older alternatives for people that are having IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, are things like the FODMAP diet. The term FODMAP stands for the four different types of sugars in this group.

There's the fermenter, fermentable, oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. So that's where you got the acronym FODMAP. The problem with this is that most people have a really hard time determining which of these foods is causing the problem. But these certain carbohydrates may be poorly absorbed during, absorbed during digestion. They end up traveling up the large intestine where the fermentation by the gut microbes can produce the uncomfortable symptoms that you may be feeling, a bloating gas, etc. This doesn't mean that the only foods that trigger IBS symptoms are high FODMAP foods because you could have lactose intolerance.

Nutrigenomics is looking at exactly what food, drink, and supplements you should be consuming based on your enzyme transport, based on a lot of genetic information. Are you more susceptible to this or that because of certain genomes that are in your body?

The science is real. We're in the 21st century and it's by no means a one size fits all situation. That's why I created the bio unique boutique program where we can talk, where we can determine. Exactly what testing you should or shouldn't do by making a free call. Don’t waste another minute suffering from food intolerances, allergies or GI problems. Schedule a call today so you can test, not guess!

Episode Transcript


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