What is Adrenal Fatigue
We're talking about adrenal fatigue. What is it? who might have it, and how it can kind of go amiss in conventional medicine. So, the health of your adrenal glands is on a continuum. On the one end, they're functioning optimally, and they provide us with a healthy stress response. On the other end is chronic adrenal disease.
Insufficiency is known as Addison's disease. To be diagnosed with Addison's disease is where functional nutrition plays a major role, where some things go amiss in conventional medicine.
Your adrenal glands can function at 10 percent or lower and with 10 percent or lower, you may be diagnosed with Addison's disease. Anything between the optimal function of your adrenal glands and Addison's disease is known as adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is a mild form of adrenal insufficiency when your adrenal glands face too much stress.
Your adrenal glands are tiny triangular shaped glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They produce hormones that help you regulate various functions such as stress response, your metabolism, your blood pressure, and your immune system's response to foreign invaders. We need to know exactly what type of stress we are releasing from this rush of hormones, whether it be adrenaline or cortisol.
When you're faced with stress, or danger, the adrenal glands begin and boost that cortisol production. They increase the heart rate, the blood pressure, respiration, and inflammation. So nearly all of the cells have cortisol receptors, so that cortisol could shut down processes such as digestion. The problem here is when you're stressed all the time about money, about your job, et cetera.

The primary function of cortisol is to respond to stress. Adrenaline, like cortisol, is produced in the adrenal gland. It is derived from the amino acid tyrosine and helps you react quickly and in very dangerous situations by sending extra blood to your heart and large muscles.
Chronic stress keeps your adrenal glands in overdrive, leading to adrenal fatigue. While adrenal fatigue is not a diagnosable condition, the symptoms are genuine. Over time, high cortisol levels can lead to insulin resistance, weight loss resistance, weaken your immune system, and eventually cause muscle wasting. The quicker you lose the weight, you're not only losing fat, you're losing muscle.
So, if your metabolism has flatlined and you're experiencing weight loss resistance, it's time to take into consideration some other things that can be tested. Remember we say test, don't guess.
Work with Meg
Right now, I’m offering a free 45-minute call for those interested in digging deeper into their health. After we discuss what issues you would like to address we can identify which testing is needed. Through the testing we can identify the root cause of the issue and then determine the appropriate supplements needed. Some of the issues we can address are weight loss resistance, aches and pains, GI issues, etc. Click the link below to make a free call with me.
Signs of Adrenal Fatigue
What are the signs of adrenal fatigue? As you probably know, it's a lot of times you being really stressed out. So, you have unexplained symptoms. It can even be weight loss or weight gain, body aches, muscle aches, fatigue, difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, even after nine hours of sleep, low blood pressure, salt and sugar cravings.
It doesn't have to be this way.
Stop being sheeple, stop doing what the insurance companies allow you to do. You need to be proactive about your health. And we all know that the system is broken. Whether you want to say it or admit it or not, the system is broken. We're not getting proactive health care. So in that case, you need to Need to be your own healthcare advocate.
If you are having digestive issues, suffering from eczema, or having symptoms like joint pain, fatigue, weight loss resistance, and more, I'm currently offering a free 45-minute call to talk about how testing can help. Schedule your free call today!